Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The World Abides

Life keeps moving on...
So I'll begin with the positive.

Abby is attending her first week of camp- DIABETIC camp. Where most everyone there is diabetic; the kids and counselor's . It's awesome. We went for what they call "Transition" camp, where the family stays for the weekend to see how the camp works and how they we be cared for. It is heartwarming to see a place where the kids are so happy and free and no stigma is attached. Diabetes is not something to be hidden and be seen as scary, it's a fact and it's normal. I am SO very happy she is able to attend and find friends.

School is now out for the school year and I am entering the hardest part of my year- summer. Sounds wrong doesn't it?!? But for me, I need a project to function and I don't think of cleaning as a project. I just don't. My mind needs to be engaged or I'm in trouble... Perhaps I'll come up with something.

Randy has started thinking of changing jobs. We've talked a lot about it. I am very lucky to have a partner that seeks my advice on life changing decisions. It looks like a big change is ahead for him, for us, but we will weather it and, in the long run, hope that it is the best thing for our family.

Alexander will start Kindergarten in August- hope they're ready for him :)

Life moves on. The daily chores and needs must be met. We persist.

My sister is dying.
She has Stage 4 terminal breast cancer with metastasis. It's in her bones. She has to stay in a wheelchair and can't lay on a bed. One hip may fracture at any moment. My mother and brother are her primary care givers. She requires pain pills every 3-4 hours. That means very little rest for everyone. Her son, my nephew, is also there to help.
Mostly her care is moving here to and fro. Outside to inside. Bringing her food, drinks, pain meds, etc. We have finally gotten Hospice involved. I feel so useless. All I can do is make dinner and do some laundry but, every little thing helps.

It's time for rest. It's time for peace. It's time... but I am not the timekeeper of another's soul.

I can't seem to cry- the well has gone dry or perhaps is only dammed up for the time being. So I will continue to persist, and make dinners and hold hands and find laughter wherever I can...

Life moves on... time moves on... I will persist... I will