Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Is it really THAT hard?

I've now experienced my first sense of discrimination based on my daughters diabetes. Can I just say this is BULLSH!T??
A gut reaction, clearly motivated by fear and ignorance has made it difficult for me to find my children day care. Mention the word "Diabetic" and people start to close down. Instead of staying open and asking how they can help, I am given phrases like, "I'm not sure we can accommodate that". I'm sorry, did you just tell me that you are refusing to help my DAUGHTER WITH A SPECIAL NEED???? To be fair, I hate being told "No", always have, but this is crossing the line.
I'm trying to be open minded myself, and remember that they might not be aware of how a diabetic is cared for and that it CAN be done quite simply. However, why should I HAVE to fight for her to have a spot? WHY????? I shouldn't and, according to the laws of the State of California, I don't have to.
I am NOT a litigious person, but I was THIS close to calling up the American Diabetes Association and invoking the power of the Almighty Americans with Disabilities Act! This poor little Child Care would have been smashed like a bug.
I didn't do that and after an email exchange, a face to face conversation and SEVERAL stupid mix-ups and hoops, the kids DO have a place for day care for the 2 days a week I could get. But NO ONE, especially in this day and age, should have to go through this kind of thing- not because of skin color, gender or special need. It's beyond stupid.