Monday, July 24, 2006

I am a Grown-Ass Woman!

You know, for me high school was fairly typical. Some fun, some humiliation, some learning but mostly it was a social exercise. I was learning how to interact with people. College was mostly the same. Except I learned more things about myself; what I could handle and what I couldn't. I learned about how women treat each other- why we're so mean I swear I will never understand. That being said, I am very thankful for the female friends I have now- most of them from college. OK so this isn't a rant about girls- here is my point....Finally.

Why, at 30 years of age, do we still know people (and by people, I mean men) that act like petulant, spoiled 13 year olds? I don't get it? We are "grown up" now for goodness sake. (Just to be clear I am not talking about my hubby :)

How hard is it to be straight forward and honest? Really- do we have to act like we a "super sneaky" when our (and by our I mean his) intentions are so patently clear?

I realize that this is all very confusing and yes, there is a back story- but it really must be told in person.

I find it totally amazing that a "Grown Ass Man" that holds a job and has a mortgage can still act like a child.

I sadly expect childish behavior between girlfriends, but boys (and by boys, I mean BOYS) usually just butt heads and then say, "Ok Dude No big deal". The SILENT TREATMENT is for girls only! Seriously!


Cate said...

wow! a dumb man acting like a stupid chick?! can't wait to hear the story.

Kat said...

Well, I can only imagine who you are talking about. I wonder. But wait, seriously, it could any one of a hundred, seriously!