I'm old. No really, I mean it, I am old. This past month I've been to seen the doctor twice and the oncologist. Yep I'm old.
First off, I went to the oncologist to get a mole removed. It was benign- so no worries. But now I have an inch and a half scar on my belly. Quite the collection I'm getting. I've had that mole for 30 years and I feel like some small part of my personality has been excised from my soul. Wow, that was deep, kind of like something some one old would say. Oh right, I am old.
Many of you may think I'm reacting to turning 31 next week. Honestly I'm fine with 31- fine being a relative term. No really, 31 is just one more than 30 and it's not old- but I am. SO for those of you that have more years on me, I don't want to hear back about how old you are- you're not old, I am.
I have high cholesterol- there I said it. 172 high. My dirty little secret is out. I have to take cholesterol medication- see, I'm old. Next thing you know I'll be needing something for my arthritis. And did I mention I have to probably take this medication for the rest of my life? Yep- right along with my Metamucil!
I realize that I should be grateful that I can even take these meds to protect against heart disease. I know that I shouldn't complain, but too bad, I am. I'm sure I'll get over it... well maybe not, but at least I'll quit complaining so loudly. Wait a minute... It sort of sounds like I'm acting childish- AWESOME! Maybe I'm not so old- oh wait... maybe that's the senility setting in.
Dammit! Where are my teeth? I can't find them and it's time for my pudding.