Monday, August 23, 2010

And So, We Journey On...

2 weeks after my sister died, we learned that my father might have ALS. This was devastating news on it's own, let alone on the heels of Suzie. It has since been confirmed that my father will have to battle an insane disease.
Life has contracted into minuets instead of years. In that spirit, Papa decided to make a Bucket-list. On that list was the desire to see the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Park.
I decided that I was going too. Life has become to short to wait. So... we went. We saw so many wonderful things, but my favorite memories will be the times with Papa. We laughed, we cried and we were honest. Nothing in the world will ever take away the joy I feel at having shared a journey and adventure with my father.
I grieve that there may not be any more trips. I grieve for the disappearing future. But I will take joy in the present, in his laugh, in his smiling eyes, how they soften with love at the mention of my children and I will find the joy yet to be lived in his life.
A large bonus from our trip was traveling with my brother. We have experienced so much together these last few weeks, but I am so grateful for the chance to know him as an adult and friend not just an older brother.
Papa, I love you and am proud you are my father. Logan, thank you for the laughs and for the shoulder to cry on.
As so, we journey on... into the known and the unknown and with laughter and love we will endure with grace and dignity.


flask said...

i'll be praying.

Cate said...

You are a beautiful woman, my friend. I love you.

Unknown said...

I don't know about the dignity part, I'll try for Grace. I have always been able to get by with "this,too, shall pass" but this time it won't work.
Just got to keep on keeping on.....