Have you ever stopped to listen to the amount of noise that surrounds us everyday. So called, white noise. I think I may be hyper sensitive to the white noise. I am constantly telling the kids to stop make extras noises, just for the sake of noise. Don't get me started on the noises people make when they eat. Please, don't. Or the dogs, they make so much noise just breathing...
Why I bring this up is I think my home computer hates me. It's loud, stupid loud. The toilet might be in league with the 'pooter too. When is runs at a constant decible level that is beyond normal for any porcelain throne, I want to tear my hair out. The other day I tried to shut off the computer for some actual silence and it kept restarting. And, yes, I did turn off the power strip. The only thing I didn't so was physically rip the cord out of the wall, and it still drones on. Making the dreaded white noise.
In the living room, the X-box whines at me if I'm not using it. Drives me mad and when I do use it, I am amazed at how my ears sigh in relief once I turn it off. Now don't get me wrong, I am not a noise-nazi. I love my music and I love it loud (sometimes). My husband would argue the point, but he has pilot deafness and so I smile and nod my head and let him call me old. (IT's still too loud, dear)
I guess my point is, that I need some actual silence. Some time without man made white noise berating my ear drums. I want to just sit a hear what nature made. Relax in the sun and not be prodded by the phone ringing, email beeping, or any other of the multitude of artificial noises we surround ourselves with.
My ears are tired. And quite frankly, I'm tired of say "Huh?" all the time. Some people would be driven mad by the silence, but I think I'm ready for a little audio vacation. Bring on the ear muffs!!!
I prescribe a hike in nature. It did my ears wonders last weekend to hear the sound of the brook running, leaves tapping each other as the breeze blew through them & my feet settling on soft earth. How's next weekend for you? I need another one!
This is how I feel. Did you know that this is a recognised condition and is called Noise Anxiety x Love your blog
God bless you, girl.
I know EXACTLY how you feel.
When i lived in Wisconsin, I didn't really realize how much "white noise" surrounded me all day, everyday. Not until I moved to Northern Michigan (where i am currently residing) did I realize how loud and noisey everything is, because up here it is so quiet and peaceful.
- MS
I can also relate to this and to DiggityGal, After living in London for so many years and then moving back to the countryside it took me several months to adapt to the silence... xxx
I couldn't agree more. I have noticed lately that I am much more sensitive to all and every noise. Now, I like a little white noise at night when I am trying to fall asleep, mostly...but the sweet sound of silence is a rare and beautiful thing.
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