Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A Couple Things

First- (and foremost)

My Hubby and I took a week long vacation to Lake Tahoe. This is our first "adult" vacation in 4 years. Meaning longer than 72 hours!

Boy does my butt hurt, but we sure had fun. Now before those eyebrows get raised TOO high, let me explain. We went snowboarding- a lot. Well ok, 3 days for me and 5 for Randy and for me, that's a lot!

Our hotel was 200 yard from the ski lift gondola to the top of the mountain. The village had several yummy restaurants and cute shops. We visited friends and they came up to see us too! On the whole it was AWESOME!!!

It was so nice to spend a week with just my Hubby. And guess what?!?! I still like him- I always knew I loved him, but every now and again we need to be reminded that our spouse is more than "That guy who helps with the laundry and picks up the kids". He's funny. He sweet. He handsome- Wow I need to remind myself more often!

I also enjoyed the snowboarding. It's so much fun. I TOTALLY suck at it, but I kept getting back up again. Except for the one time I fell so hard I think I broke my butt. That took a few moments of just kneeling in the snow waiting to see if I could think again. I'm bad at it but don't care I have fun and really, isn't that what it's about. My Hubby and I can share an activity together that is fun, challenging, filled with exercise (what's that?) and gorgeous scenery- I can't wait to go again next year!


I've been thinking about life and plans. Life's short and plans get pushed aside. Well BAH!

Here's what I am proposing:

3-day Mexican Cruise. "Us" girls. August.

Plenty of time to save up. (and maybe find a cheap deal)
Plenty of time to prepare.
Plenty of reasons to go: FUN, FOOD, FUN, SUN, FUN, FRIENDS,FUN, FUN,FUN!

Ok girls: Who's with me?

Life is too short to miss out on a fun weekend. Too short to sweat the small stuff and too short for excuses.

And this summer, who knows? I may even try surfing!


Anonymous said...

I'm so surfing this summer I can already taste the saltwater. Wait, no, that's just the club soda I had a little while ago.

Vacation was awesome. Glad I got to share it with YOU.

I'm jealous. Maybe we should do a couples one too sometime...

Agent Orange

Anonymous said...

Me Me Me Me!!!!! I want to go!! Sounds awesome!! Although, Agent Orange has a good point about the couples cruise too. That would mean we would have to pay for two, but it might make it easier to go, (you know, the jealousy issue). Besides, on a cruise, it's easy for everyone to do there own thing. I mean if someone wants to take a nap, while others want to go surfing or dancing... Well you know what I mean. Let's Go!!

Kat said...

Totally awesome. Either way. Hopefully by august it might be possible. Not all of us have a tax rebate coming our way. (Gulp!) I want to hear about cost and dates and all of that!!! Sounds beyond fun!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Servidor, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Dani said...

Let's jump on it! (note Monday, Aug18 is my Mom's birthday) Maybe we could try for the weekend of Aug 22or 29th? I sent you a few cruise options. The prices change according to the dates.

I'd be up for a girls' trip or something for that I am one! I do miss the likes of Agent Orange and Kaisara (who whould probablly have a cool nickname even though his real name is AWESOME!)

Of course, I know girls' day out was the original I am SO on board with whatever. I just love the idea of seeing you and Kat and Sara and Kate (where is Kate in all this?) plus seeing the sea!

Can you surf on a cruise? What? Are you going to get towed out and surf the MONDO waves like they do at the end of Step Into Liquid?