Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hellooooo? Are you still reading?

Pot? This is Kettle calling... So, yeah...about that whole, "You need to blog more" comment. Um... my bad.

So where have I been, you may ask? Good question. I've been busy with Hamlet. Scratch that, TWO Hamlets. At once. In rep. And...GO!

Well that's all done now and I've been busy wrapping up the school year and going on a mini-vacation.

The fam and I flew up to see Danielle get her diploma case for her MFA. We had a great time and came home with a new appreciation for board/card games.

I know this all very uninformative, but HEY! IT'S A BLOG!

Bottom line- I miss my friends and must see them more...


Cate said...

i miss you too!

Kat said...

Welcome back to the world of blog and if you are "pot" then I am "kettle". I am happy to say that I just blogged myself after a mysterious disappearance. And I miss you too and I miss all of my friends!!!

Here's to good, quality friend maintenance!!!

Dani said...

AMEN! Maybe we should have a meeting of the blog minds. I don't know what this would actually look like. I just liked the sound of it. Maybe we could all go out on a virtual date of some sort. It's in the very early planning stages of my brain. Help me out here.