Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Wanna Catch What I've Got?

Somethings in life are contagious- colds, laughter and being unhappy. My Mama has said that, "Divorce is contagious". One friend is unhappy and while trying to be the good "sounding board friend", you find that your husband bugs the heck out of you and maybe you should get divorced too! Now that is just silly- but still very true.

I find that if I am around upbeat people I will be up beat, if I am around complainers I will join in with gusto complaining about my life. Seriously- what is wrong with my life- nothing! I love my husband and he loves me, we have two wonderful kids and all the material crap we could ever need. So why complain? I'm not sure really- I've also found that once someone is "on my s**t list" it is very easy to find fault with everything they do- including breathing in my direction. Yes I know, not fair! Not fair but, again- true.

I came in to work today with a smile on my face ready for the week. Part of my routine is to check my work email first thing. One email was titled simply "Augie Hartung" and out of curiosity I opened it. The short email simply said that Mr. Hartung had passed away unexpectedly this past weekend. He was a member of our campus community. Since that time, there have been several emails expressing great saddness and concern for Augie and his family. Each email remembers him with fondness and appreciation. I didn't know him, but I am very touched by his death. It started me thinking, "How would I like to be remembered should I die suddenly?" Certainly not as Ms. Complain-alot or Ms. Difficult.

So know what do I do about it? Well I figure that if I can resist the complaining and promote goodwill perhaps I can make that contagious.

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